DWP Reports & Submissions


Thank you very much for inviting me to speak to you today on the progress Canada is making toward being barrier-free.  Talking about accessibility to any level of government is always complicated, because responsibility is siloed. However, our lives as disabled people do not work in this way, and I believe the tone set by the federal government trickles down to other areas of influence. Therefore, I believe it's your job to set the bar high and expect that everybody else at least meets that standard.

In order for the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) to be available to eligible disabled people as soon as possible we ask that the Government of Canada commit $10B in the first year to deliver this benefit, rising by $2B annually until the additional costs of disability are met.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to the Standing Committee on National Finance on Tuesday June 14th, as part of your deliberations on the omnibus budget bill, C-19. I hope I clarify any issues that you wished to hear more about below. 

I would like to focus on one small section of the massive bill you have before you found in Part 1(e) of the summary, expanding eligibility to the disability tax credit, known as the DTC.

I am a disabled woman with multiple sclerosis and live in Kelowna, B.C. At times, my disease has been aggressive and it's fairly advanced. I use a power wheelchair. I have severe fatigue and pain that is sometimes severe. However, I have a great quality of life.